
BetterBonds: Natural Products for Joy & Wellbeing


Products, prayers, processes for creating better connections between friends & family, to reduce violence and costs of living and enable safer homes.


  • Jewelry Watches Store
  • Alternative Holistic Health Service
  • Jewelry & Watches Store
  • Alternative & Holistic Health Service


Products, produce, services and processes to help you connect better with your Self, your family, friends and loved ones, the nature and environment, and the wider political and social world. Includes: books, posters, utility items, curative and healing items, educational courses, retreats and vacations. Offered in association with a variety of carefully-selected vendors -- also offering unique in-house products.

Our job is to select the vendors, negotiate deals and prices and sometimes entire new offers, ensure availability and delivery, design new collaborative products, and every now and then, offer products entirely of our own, too. Regards.


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