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Roldan Yuson Photography is located at 6227 Siquijor, Philippines. They can be contacted via phone at 0639066468104, visit their website Http: for more detailed information.

Photos of the island of Siquijor, in the Philippines, in all her beauty and detail. Roldan Yuson is part of the ImageNomad team

Tags : #Photographer, #Island, #Establishment, #Locality

Location :
6227 Siquijor
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Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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Roldan Yuson is a photographer from the Philippines. He has a good eye for details, his photos mostly are about island life in the Philippines. His captures of daily life, architecture and nature will dazzle you.

He discovered his love for photography in early 2016 and has a great feel for what to capture. Roldan is a contributor at ImageNomad.com

Old buildings and people are quickly becoming his specialty, the word that comes to mind when looking at his pictures is character.

Camera: Nikon D5500 - Asus Zen Phone

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