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IROK is located at Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea. Visit their website www.irokpng.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

IROK Limited is a specialist services company located in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Key areas of service providing include: Business consulting in Minerals and Exploration, Visa's and passports (Pro Solutions); Tourism Services through its subsidiary arm "TSF Niugini" which specialises in Corporate travel programs and team building programs (Port Moresby area), boutique adventure travel tours and outdoor camping equipment hire and; Environmental Services through its client "Total Waste Management" which is a PNG based industrial waste management company.

Tags : #MiningMetals, #Mining&Metals

Location :
Port Moresby, National Capital District
Contacts :
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Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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