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Bakery Store

cake house bakery and cafe butwal

Sarvan Path, Butwal 32907


cake house bakery and cafe butwal is a bakery, located at Sarvan Path, Butwal 32907, Nepal. They can be contacted via phone at +977 985-7029004, visit their website www.cakehouse.com.np for more detailed information.

Tags : #Food, #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
Sarvan Path, Butwal 32907
Added by Jopie, at 17 April 2018

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1 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    24 April 2018

    When we look for quick service this cake shop is first choice as they are specialized and focused on cakes baking business only. So far the business was started couple of years back and now updating shop is required an opinion only for better.

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