A common eatery place on mid-Baneshwor.
All common varieties of Chinese, Indian and Continental cuisines are found here.
Price range is also average while compared with similar ranges of restaurants of Baneshwor locality.
Hygiene of the restaurant is satisfactory. Staffs are responsive and welcoming.
It has a separate bar too.
It is good place for a friends and family gathering.
Home packing service is also available.
Well maintain environment to chill out have fun and enjoy.
Reasonable and good food
Good food excellent family environment cool for casual meeting groups get together with clean environment
Good Place to hangout.
I used to be here. Very silent and peaceful cafe
Good service, average food.
Good restaurant for dining and drinking.
Good place, ok food.
cafe with best service
Nice cozy restaurant :)
A cozy restaurant with friendly staff and good food.
Good ambience, friendly waiters, good food.
Quiet and nature inspired. Good food and good place to hangout