www. ratolaltin. com is an online news portal for all type of Nepali national, International, entertainment, business, sports, culture etc. . [read more]
राम्रा रमाइला के हि सत्य अनि संकास्मक कुराको बिस्लेसण. [read more]
Uniform House is the producer and supplier of all kinds of uniform items. Especially, School and College items like Shirt, Pant, Coat, Apron, Tie, Belt, Sweater, Cap, Muffler, Shoes, Socks,.. [read more]
The Gamer's Mall is an official distributor of Steam Wallet Codes,Free fire Top up,Google gift card & PUBG UC in Nepal. . [read more]
Welcome to WhiteGlass!! A solutions-dictionary package for the IT related problems. You can get General Information, hacks and tricks related to IT, Software, Programming, Networking as well. [read more]
Authorized Retailer & Distributor for NYX Cosmetics in Nepal -facebook. com/Nyxcosmeticsnepal -facebook. com/Xpressnepal. [read more]
The Official Facebook Page of the Malaysian Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal. [read more]
We provide guidance in abroad study and provide test preparation IELTS and PTE. . [read more]
मिहेनत गर्न नछोड्नुहोस् किन कि परिवर्तन समस्या ले होइन मिहेनत ले हुने हो ।. [read more]
we First International Education like invite for all the student for good future abroad study. [read more]
KUSOM Placement Cell bridges the gap between the corporate world and students of Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM). . [read more]
Service With Smile. . [read more]
education helper facebook page. [read more]
I'm chef. [read more]
Beantown Education Consultancy has been serving 10 years of successful consulting in abroad education for the students of Nepal with 98. 7% success rate. [read more]
Jewellery shop that meets all of your ornament need in the 21st Centruy. . [read more]
Wool Products Manufacturer and Market Trendsetter. [read more]
A complete media solution TV commercials Video Shoot Photo Shoot Programme Production Dubbing Editing VFX/Graphics Designing Media Promotion Event Management Model Management. [read more]
N. R. S Enterprises, located at vays,2 damauli tanahu, Kathmandu. They can be contacted via phone at +9779848486770 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Custom clearing, packing,forwarding and door to door service of all kind of goods. [read more]
Our aim is to provide a homely environment for kids to learn while they have fun. We focus on holistic growth of the kids for their prosperous future. [read more]
Bada Business Channel Partner For Nepal. Bada Business is an Initiative by Dr Vivek Bindra, famous Business Trainer with 13M++ Fan Following YouTube. We help you explore the world of Business.. [read more]
नेपाल कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी एमाले नेपाली सर्वहारा श्रमजीवी जनताको प्रतिनिधि पार्टी हो ।. [read more]
I like it when you smile It's cute. ����. [read more]
President (2018 April 29), South Asian Countries SME Forum Immediate Past President (IPP) of FNCSI from 07 June Secretary of National Business Initiative (NBI) Past President of Nepalbhasha.. [read more]
bakesnbrew, located at Bakes N Brew,Basundhara Ring Rd Track S, Kathmandu 44600. [read more]
Doors Plyboards Kitchen Chimney Baskets. [read more]
If you are a first-time visitor or long-standing customer, we hope you will be thrilled with every aspect of your AG Boutique shopping experience. . [read more]
MEDIFLOW is software aimed to provide Hospital Management System with Electronic Medical Record system in Nepal. It is developed by a group of medical and IT professionals. [read more]
नयाँ-नयाँ तथा ताजा-ताजा समाचार, ज्ञान र मनोरञ्जनका लागि हाम्रो टिममा तपाईँहरूलाई स्वागत छ।. [read more]
パシュパティナート、バシュバテイナタは、カトマンズにあるシヴァ神を祭るネパール最大のヒンドゥー教寺院。概要シヴァが滞在したとの言い伝えのあるこの地は、はるか1500年以上も昔から巡礼の地となっており、インド大陸四大シヴァ寺院の一つにも数えられ、ヒンドゥー教が国教であるネパールでは最高の聖なる地である。寺が面しているバグマティ川には、隣接した火葬台を複数備える火葬場があり、灰は川に流される。バグマティ川は、ヒンズーの聖地である、インドのバラーナシを流れるガンジス河に通ずる支流にあたるため、ここのガートで荼毘に付せば母なる大河ガンガーへと戻ってゆくと考えられている。ゆえに、遺灰をこの川に流すのがネパールのヒンズー教徒の願望である。バグマティ川の中では火葬が行われている脇で身体を清める者もあれば、洗濯をする女の姿も見受けられる。位の高いものほど上流の火葬台で焼かれる。バグマティ川に架かる橋上は、火葬の最高の見物ポイントになっている。パシュパティナート寺院はヒンズー教徒以外は立ち入れないが、火葬場は入場料を払えば誰でも入れる。終日立ち込めるカトマンズの霧は火葬場の煙であるとさえ言われている。魂が天上へ帰る場所にふさわしく、すぐそばの丘に登れば7000m級のアンナプルナをはじめとするヒマラヤ山脈がはるかに聳え立つ。関連項目火葬火葬場墓地 宗教、宗教一覧、神、神の一覧 インド哲学 ヨーガ ヒンドゥー至上主義 ネパール関係記事の一覧 ムスタン王国. [read more]
welcome to you all of our Rolpa��. [read more]
whisky bar is only kind of a online delivery liquor product. In the public it gives lot of enjoyment. . [read more]
Welcome To This is Rolpakhabar. com Admin Roshan B. m From Rolpa contact no. +9779812881066. [read more]
This Saccos solved money Problem and it's helpful for society. It's provide the social contribution for member and non member. So please visit the office. [read more]
Aayusha Trading is an accounting, located at Thali, Kathmandu 44600. They can be contacted via phone at +97714450564 for more detailed information. . [read more]