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Stapping Stone Namibia is located at 9000 Windhoek, Namibia. Visit their website www.stappingstone.com for more detailed information.

Stapping Stone Namibia

Tags : #InternetCompany

Location :
9000 Windhoek
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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Stapping Stone is proud to introduce this revolutionary mobile communication platform which gives businesses the possibility to market themselves to both local and international consumers. You can do too, thanks to an exciting new feature in our Stapping Stone location and theme apps: the RiGHT button™, which allows any business of any size equal advantage and opportunity to prosper. Whether you are a tiny B&B or a huge 5 star hotel, a small shop or a big club, a restaurant or a church, a tour operator or a bar, just post a message and it will appear live on the screen of almost any mobile device, once the consumer pushes the RiGHT button™.

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