Opuwo Airport (Permanently Closed) is an airport, located at C41, Opuwo, Namibia
Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment
Location :
C41, Opuwo
Added by Jopie, at 21 February 2017
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1 Reviews
28 February 2017
This is no airport. It is a gravel landing strip. It is not in daily use and you need to check for animals on the strip. Also for stones and general rubbish.
Emanya@Etosha is conveniently located in the popular Tsumeb area. Offering a variety of facilities and services, the hotel provides all you need for a good night's sleep.
Desert Rose is conveniently located in the popular Hentiesbaai area. The property offers a wide range of amenities and perks to ensure you have a great time.