
The Museums Association of Namibia (MAN) is an umbrella organisation that represents all Namibian museums. As a representative body it supports museums in various ways such as in the field of training, funding and the networking of professionals.


  • Non Governmental Organization Ngo
  • Nonprofit Organization
  • Non Governmental Organization (ngo)


The Association was established in June 1990 at the very first annual general meeting held in Swakopmund hosted by the Swakopmund Museum. The founding members were Dr. Beatrice Sandelowski, Mr. Gunther von Schumann, Dr. Alfons Weber, Dr. John Mendelsohn and a few others. The folliwing persons were the first committee members who were elected during MAN's first founding meeting in


Chairman: DR. John Mendelsohn - Ministry of Education
Vize Chair: Dr. Beatrice Sandelowsky - Director Rehoboth Museum/TUCSIN
Secretary: Antje Otto - National Museum of Namibia
Treasurer: Gunter von Schumann - Nampost Philately
Cultural affairs: Mr. G.K. Zeze
Public Relations: William Metzler
Rep: Far North: Cavango/Caprivi: Coopted Mr. J. Mutonga
Rep: North: Hans Ernst - Grootfontein Museum
Rep: West: Michael Weber - Swakopmund Museum
Rep: South: Anna Bayer - Rehoboth Museum Committee member

Dr. Sandelowski took over chair from Dr. Mendelsohn and held this position for a very long time until 1998 when she was replaced by Mr. Werner Thaniseb. The latter person held this position untill May 2009 when Mrs. Stella Imalwa was elected. She held this position untill May 2012 when Mr. Aaron Nambadi was elected as chairman. Our association meet every year at a different locality across the country. This event provides a discussion forum for heritage workers to discuss issues affecting the Namibian heritage sector and museum work in general. Museum professionals also have the opportunity to share ideas and network amongst each other. Besides museums, membership to MAN is also open to educational, cultural, scientific institutions and tourism initiatives who have an interest in heritage.
MAN provides three basic categories of membership:

a. Individual = N$ 120.00
b. Institutional/Corporate = N$ 400.00
c. Associate Membership (new initiatives and projects) = N$ 200.00

Section Four of MAN’s Constitution states that the Museums Association of Namibia has the following nine functions:

4.1. To promote the meaningful use of museums in Namibia by publicising their
existence and role in national development.

4.2. To establish, maintain and strengthen relations between all concerned
with the study, practice, preservation, protection, dissemination and
promotion of national heritage in Namibia.

4.3. To promote efforts relating to the protection and preservation of cultural
and natural heritage.

4.4. To develop and improve professional standards by initiating and
coordinating training programmes and workshops for museum personnel.

4.5. To promote cooperation between national, regional and international
institutions concerned with the use of museums as research, educational
and recreational resources.

4.6. To seek the return of cultural property expatriated from Namibia.

4.7. To facilitate communication and cooperation between members of MAN by
arranging meetings on a scheduled basis.

4.8. To represent the interests of museums and museum personnel before the
Government of Namibia.

4.9. To forge partnerships between local museums, institutions and government
bodies with international museums, bodies and institutions.


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