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Musese Combined School

C45, Musese


Musese Combined School is a school, located at C45, Musese, Namibia

Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
C45, Musese

Added by Jopie, at 30 December 2017

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1 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    06 January 2018

    Olavi Sivhute Kangumbe Combined, previously known Musese Combined school, is a school that runs from pre-primary education to grade 10. It's a great school that aims to improve basic education in the Kavango West region. It's one the best schools in the region and its always rated number 1 in Nzinze circuit since 2008. It have produced a lot of students who have gone to pursue their studies in different careers. It's committed staff members always encouraged both learners and parents to work together to improve the performance and challenge private schools, in terms of academic performances.

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