For more than 75 years the Schier family have been producing THE original Veldskoen (Vellie) made from genuine Kudu leather in Swakopmund, Namibia. . [read more]
Photography and videography services. [read more]
ECO-MOD Namibia is a new initiative investigating the feasibility of providing affordable, high quality, modular housing for Namibia using green technology and design. [read more]
Ivuya Cleaning Services is Namibia's most affordable commercial cleaning service provider with excellency and efficiency at the core of its existence. [read more]
Tender transparency & comprehensive procurement publication since 1992. 🌍Weekly Bulletin. ⏰24/7 Tender Email Alert Service. 👉🏽Subscribe on our website. [read more]
Esta página tem como objectivo principal , a venda de roupas do sexo masculinos proveniente da Itália , para os amantes do bem vestir roupas de qualidade e durabilidade. [read more]
Would you like to order your bale or bales, and start your own business, we can do that for you,please Dont hesitate to call or text us on 0817250178 thank you� Lira's_Vintage_Collection!!!!!. [read more]
Find your patner!!!!Meet singles in Namibia. . . drop a message in page inbox then we hide I. D and post it on the page timeline for your search. Or you can comment yourself. [read more]
Offer promotions Personal blog Road to 5k followers Owner of Latjuna � Business @imlatjunastyle@gmail. com. [read more]
Namibian Academic Assistance is a group of Namibian Tutors who provide a platform for parents and students to access tutoring and editing services. . [read more]
We mainly focus more on health and wellness of people around the world. You are entitled to earn as much as you can according to the way you purchase our packages of healthy products. [read more]
Very jovial ,not moody ,Very smart LIKE intelligent debates about life and politics ! reading; travelling are of utmost importance and respect. [read more]
We are a a Social Media Marketing company that provides services for •Brand Awareness •SOE •Facebook Ads Management •Website Content Writing •Social Media Management •Copywriting Let.. [read more]
Der Ombalantu-Baobab, auch Tree of Life oder Omukwa waa Mbalantu, gilt als einer der größten und ältesten Baobabs Afrikas. Er steht in der Stadt Outapi im Norden Namibias. [read more]
Graphic Design and Creative Art. [read more]
Luxury four-star hotel in Luderitz, Namibia. [read more]
Beukes Veterinary Consulting is a mobile large and production animal practice, situated in Gobabis, Namibia. It is owned and run by husband and wife veterinarians Dr. [read more]
Mukoya Cleanining Services offers general cleaning services: office cleaning, shoping complex cleaning, house cleaning, shops cleaning etc. . . . [read more]
Forever Living products, Esylife products as well as other related health and beauty products. [read more]
Xiangzhiling is the best organic immune booster worth taking. It fights against all ailments in your body. this healthcare product is made from ganoderma, wild linden honey and alkaline water.. [read more]
'N vroeë leersentrum spyseniering vir kinders van 3 tot graad motte nul. Na skool sorg fasiliteit vir grade 1 tot 7 huiswerk hulp tutoriale en ekstra lesse. [read more]
Das Hage-Geingob-Stadion ist das größte Rugby-Stadion in Namibia und eines von drei Nationalstadien. Es ist nach dem namibischen Politiker Hage Geingob benannt. [read more]
African Equestrian Services offers dressage training for horse & rider, & Equine Osteotherapy, Massage and Rehab. Operating out of Windhoek and Swakopmund. [read more]
ナミブ砂漠(ナミブさばく、Namib Desert)は、ナミビア大西洋側に位置する砂漠。北はアンゴラとの国境付近から南は南アフリカ共和国北端にまで及ぶ。南北は1,288km、東西は幅48kmから161km。面積は約50,000km²にわたる。約8000万年前に生まれた世界で最も古い砂漠と考えられている。「ナミブ」は主要民族であるサン人の言葉で、「何もない」という意味である。大西洋を北上する寒流・ベンゲラ海流の影響で生じた典型的な西岸砂漠である。ドラケンスバーグ山脈からオレンジ川を通して流れ出た砂が海岸で強風によって内陸に押し返されて形成され、最終的には砂岩を形成する。その過程で鉄分が付着し酸化するため、酸化鉄の色によって砂は白から赤く変色する。中央部にはクイセブ川が流れ、この川を境に北部では岩石砂漠、南部では移動性の強い砂丘列が連なり、その間に岩石丘陵が存在する。年間降水量は120mm以下であり、一部では25mmに満たないが2、3日に1度程度の割合で海上から海霧(移流霧)が流れ込む。朝方には風に乗って100km以上内陸部にまで霧が進入し、砂漠内に自生する植物や生物の貴重な水分供給源となっている。沿岸の海上はかなりの暴風が吹き荒れており、海岸には沖合で濃霧のため難破した船舶や鯨などが打ち上げられスケルトンコースト(骸骨海岸)と呼ばれている。. [read more]
La bande de Caprivi, en anglais Caprivi Strip, en allemand Caprivi Zipfel, anciennement Itenge, est une panhandle longue de 450 kilomètres et large de 30 kilomètres, située en Namibie et.. [read more]
CRYSTAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING provides consulting services to small -medium business owners and managers nationwide. Assisting with business setups, development, marketing and.. [read more]
Il distretto elettorale di Otamanzi è un distretto elettorale della Namibia situato nella Regione di Omusati con 13. 495 abitanti al censimento del 2011. [read more]
Big or small, if you love it, we insure it. We’re online weekdays 8am-4. 30pm. #loveyourstuff. [read more]
An investment close cooperation specialising in constructions, renovations, manufacturing, innovations and transport. . [read more]
All your truck and trailer services. [read more]
Library & Musuem. [read more]
A Faixa de Caprivi é um estreito corredor terrestre na forma de cabo de frigideira com cerca de 450 km de comprimento e largura média de 30 km, situado no nordeste da Namíbia e que permite ligar.. [read more]
Il Parco nazionale dell'altopiano Waterberg è un parco nazionale che si trova nel centro della Namibia. Istituito nel 1972, comprende l'omonimo altopiano. [read more]
Home from home B & B. Very tranquil and comfortable environment Private garden area available with barbecue facility. Walking distance from the town shopping hub which includes a pharmacy with.. [read more]
Our mission is to provide outstanding service, an enjoyable experience in front of the camera as well as photographs you will love. . [read more]
Cell. Comp Electronics in walvisbay and hentiesbay for all your cell phone,computer and laptop repairs and accessories. . [read more]