Патетино, located at Патетино, Patetino, Vardar Region. [read more]
Кадрифаково, located at Кадрифаково, Kadrifakovo, Vardar Region. [read more]
Кнежје, located at Кнежје, Knezhje, Vardar Region. [read more]
Карбинци, located at Карбинци, Karbinci, Eastern Region. [read more]
Радање, located at Радање, Radanje, Eastern Region. [read more]
Крупиште, located at Крупиште, Krupishte, Eastern Region. [read more]
Судик, located at Судик, Sudik, Eastern Region. [read more]
Танатарци, located at Танатарци, Tanatarci, Municipality of Shtip, Eastern Region. [read more]
Хаџи Реџепли, located at Хаџи Реџепли, Hadzhi Redzhepli, Municipality of Shtip, Eastern Region. [read more]
Драгоево, located at Драгоево, Dragoevo, Eastern Region. [read more]
Станци, located at Станци, Stanci, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Дрење, located at Дрење, Drenje, Municipality of Kriva Palanka, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Варовиште, located at Варовиште, Varovishte, Municipality of Kriva Palanka, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Метежево, located at Метежево, Metezhevo, Municipality of Kriva Palanka, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Вранинци, located at Вранинци, Vraninci, Municipality of Kochani, Eastern Region. [read more]
Пресека, located at Пресека, Preseka, Municipality of Kochani, Eastern Region. [read more]
Али Коч, located at Али Коч, Ali Koch, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Нов Дојран, located at Нов Дојран, Nov Dojran, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Фурка, located at Фурка, Furka, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Name:БогданциPlace:TownAn important urban centre, between a village and a city in size. Name El:ΒογδάντσαName En:BogdanciName Ru:БогданциInt Name:BogdanciPopulation:8707. [read more]
Куртамзали, located at Куртамзали, Kurtamzali, Southeastern Region, North Macedonia. [read more]
Селемли, located at Selemli, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Стојаково, located at Стојаково, Stojakovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Стар Дојран, located at Стар Дојран, 1487 Star Dojran, North Macedonia. [read more]
Џумабос, located at Џумабос, Dzhumabos, Southeastern Region, North Macedonia. [read more]
Дурутли, located at Дурутли, Durutli, Southeastern Region, North Macedonia. [read more]
Севендекли, located at Севендекли, Sevendekli, Southeastern Region, North Macedonia. [read more]
Дедели, located at Дедели, Dedeli, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Чаушли, located at Чаушли, Chaushli, Municipality of Dojran, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Name:ГургурницаPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Кучица, located at Кучица, Kuchica, Municipality of Karbinci, Eastern Region. [read more]
Горно Трогерци, located at Горно Трогерци, Gorno Trogerci, Municipality of Karbinci, Eastern Region. [read more]
Криви Дол, located at Криви Дол, Krivi Dol, Eastern Region. [read more]
Тремник, located at Тремник, Tremnik, Vardar Region. [read more]
Гарван, located at Гарван, Garvan, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Габревци, located at Габревци, Gabrevci, Southeastern Region. [read more]