Capoeira is a game, it is dance, it is fight, it is of war and it is of peace, it is of culture, of music, it is a portion of things. – Mestre Suassuna
Capoeira is a Martial Arts form that originated in Brazil over 500 years ago during the Brazilian Slave Trade. It combines the elements of dance, acrobatics, music and can be played either as a game or a serious fight. It emphasis movement through dance to display the skill of the capoeirista. It is a dialogue between the participants through movement , that can take on various meanings and outcomes. Its Martial Arts aspect is nowadays hidden but well-disguised . Today , it is a symbol of the Brazilian Culture and is a way of life for many people in Brazil and abroad. It is an active exporter of the Brazlian Culture and has inspired many to learn more and to be one with the culture.
Capoeira promotes diversity and tolerance, teaches discipline and respect for tradition . It ensures amazing fitness and encourages the investment in culture.
However , to truly understand Capoeira you have to experience it yourself :)
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