Last Friday, the 20th June, saw the next in the Link's series of Open Days. This time we invited the Government Ministries to come to the Link to see what it is we do, learn about the programmes we run and where we can partner in the future. Looking at the photos, I believe they enjoyed themselves!!!
Discipleship camps are coming up soon at the Link. Get in fast so that you don't miss out on this amazing opportunity!!
Each year we celebrate World Environment Day at the Link. This year, on the 6th June, we brought to the Link all the teachers and students involved in our Primary Schools Environment Clubs Programme, put on an activity for them, had judging for the posters the students had created during one of their sessions and awarded prizes for the winners. A representative from GEF attended to help us with the judging of the posters and handing out the awards. We then concluded the celebrations with lunch and some dancing. That's definitely a better way to spend a day at school!!!!
Last week some of the programme staff from the Link spent the week in the villages around Ha Mohatlane, working with the villagers to build more keyhole gardens. They had a very successful week
We have been working with Child Headed Households in the Ha Mohatlane area and recently we went out to the villages where these children are living. We worked together with some of the villagers to train them to build keyhole and double digging gardens and to provide them with the tools necessary to maintain and care for these gardens and their produce. Here are photos of some of the gardens built.
On the 25th April, Lesotho Durham Link invited various media institutions to come to the Link to learn more about the organisation, the programmes we run and experience for themselves some of the activities that we do. I think just looking at the pictures, you will be able to see that they enjoyed themselves!!!
Over Easter, 3 of the programme staff from The Link went to Morija to assist with painting on the cliffs for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Lesotho Evangelical Church.
If you are up for some adventure activities, an activity day for you and your friends, a team building day for your work, educational programmes for your school, contact us for the different options.
And the rest of us are enjoying the new canoes and sit-on kayaks we have been able to buy recently - new climbing equipment and new activities to be launched soon!
This week sees Link staff helping build key hole gardens in 5 villages in Berea as part of our Child Headed Households programme. Please pray they benefit the children this winter.
YAP are off canoeing at Mohale Dan tomorrow for World Tourism Day, enjoy!