Arizon School is a leading educational institution with Cambodian-Singaporean [K-12] curriculum in Cambodia. . [read more]
Paññāsāstra International School is pleased to announce the graduation ceremony of class 2014. Which will be held on Saturday, November 15, 2014 @ Srey Dim. [read more]
Don Bosco Kep SERVICES: Hospitality, Laundry, Printing, Electrical Services, Audiovisual and More. ដុនបូស្កូកែបសេវា: បដិសណ្ឋារកិច្ចបោកអ៊ុតបោះពុម្ពសេវាកម. [read more]
The best place that can educate your children with good morality,best education,standard of education and good future of their lifestyle. . [read more]
សាលារៀនខ្មែរហេរ៉ូ មានបង្រៀនភាសាបរទេសគ្រប់កម្រិត។. [read more]
Like music study music and play music. [read more]
This group is for young adults to learn English together! Currently, we will be posting fun videos. SOON we will meet together in person for actual classes. [read more]
Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Cambodia. [read more]
Taekwondo is a sport where most of the world likes to train almost every country. Taekwondo training for good health, strong body, reduce stress. . etc. [read more]
Build up the big Cafe in Phnom Penh, Cambodia � I need everyone invest your money with me, Invest your money with in future you will be rich people with Pa. [read more]
CamFord International Institute Have 3 Wh Question : 1. What is ESL Program? 2. Why English Language Program? 3. How to succeed in ESL at CII ?. [read more]
Hello everyone! This page is talking and sharing about Web Application Development,anyways we discuss only WAD,but also related to IT as well. Thanks you !. [read more]
Top classical piano course. [read more]
GENIUS International School of Singapore operates under license from the Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports with registered business in the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Economic.. [read more]
បរាជ័យជាគ្រូនាំអ្នកទៅរកភាពជោគជ័យ. . . . [read more]
វិទ្យាល័យសម្តេចតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន កំពង់ត្របែក �. [read more]
សាលាបឋមសិក្សា ស្រង៉ែ is a school. They can be contacted via phone at +85577351235 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Stanford American School promotes active learning through group discussions, role plays, presentations, and classroom activities. SASers have optimal chances to practice, which enables them to.. [read more]
An apsara is a female spirit of the clouds and waters in Hindu culture. They figure prominently in the sculpture, dance, literature and paintings. . [read more]
Apprenez le khmer avec nous avec: cours en forme de conversation, cours de lecture et d'écriture, cours ciblé sur un domaine précis, seul ou en groupe. [read more]
Our school provides you English and Khmer as children and youths. . [read more]
Mountain View College is a private, co-educational, Seventh-day Adventist college in Valencia, Bukidnon, Philippines which was established in 1953. It has a semestral enrollment of more than.. [read more]
Tuality is a school, located at Hillsboro, Oregon. [read more]
Cambodia is known for its fascinating cuisines and colorful dishes, a trip to Siem Reap wouldn’t be complete without at least having the chance to try our delicious food. [read more]
ស្វែងយល់អំពី Facebook និងចំណេះដឹងផ្សេងៗទៀត. [read more]
Phnom Srok High School is a school, located at Phnom Srok. They can be contacted via phone at 093740651 for more detailed information. . [read more]
មានលក់ឱសថព្យាបាលជំងឺឬសដូងបាតនិងក្រពះពោះវៀន ព្យាបាលអោយជាដាច់100%ជាហើយមិនកើតឡើងវិញ. . [read more]
I would like tell you something with IT services: - Implementation IT Projects in company/organization and school/home users - VoIP and IP PBX. . . . [read more]
Cooking Class Session being Taking Place @ www. petitvilla. com by the young Cambodian Chef whom thrilled of sharing his technique to enhance our guest. [read more]
វគ្គភាសាចិន អង់គ្លេស និង កុំព្យូទ័រសម្រាប់មនុស្សគ្រប់វ័យចាប់ពីអាយុ6ឆ្នាំឡើងទៅ. [read more]
國立屏東大學屏商校區,前身為國立屏東商業技術學院,簡稱屏商、屏東商院,前身為國立屏東商業專科學校。位於臺灣屏東縣屏東市,地處省道台1線上,屏東市東邊與麟洛鄉交界處,距屏東火車站約6至7分鐘車程,現有商業、管理、資訊、語言及人文社會等五大學群,十三學系,十研究所。行政院於2014年4月8日核准國立屏東教育大學與國立屏東商業技術學院,兩校於2014年8月1日合併為國立屏東大學。原國立屏東商業技術學院之校區改稱「國立屏東大學屏商校區」學務發展國立屏東商業技術學院於87學年度正式獲得升格改制技術學院,並在改制滿三年及各項條件均符合改名科技大學後向中華民國教育部提出改名科技大學案,經過第一階段資料審查與第二階段實地訪視後,曾獲教育部通過於90學年度起改名為「國立屏東應用科技大學」;但此案於行政院「技職校院變更審議委員會」遭否決,並請學校籌備兩年後再提出改名。學校於92學年度再次提出於93學年度正式改名為「國立屏東商業大學」,卻遭「技職校院變更審議委員會」以「優先考慮與鄰近學校整併升格改名」為由再度否決改名案。93學年度下學期曾接到教育部來文,希望在校務會議中通過國立屏東商業技術學院、國立屏東教育大學、國立屏東科技大學三校合併,於94學年度升格改制為「國立屏東大學」;但該案僅在國立屏東科技大學校務會議中獲通過,其他兩校均否決。該校在追求國際化及為提昇教育品質,近年來積極從事業務流程之整合及優質化,2000年通過ISO9001國際品保認證,成為全國第一所通過ISO9001國際品保認證之國立學校,2002年再通過ISO9001-2000年版國際品保認證,辦學績效再度獲得肯定。該校為國內三間國立商業技職學府中,校地面積最大的學校,共有15. [read more]
i show location my village. [read more]
The Korean language school and land asset. . [read more]
Please keep in touch with us for detail information. [read more]
We are an officially licensed British International School in Siem Reap, Cambodia. We are fully accredited by Cambridge International. . [read more]
We take care your children �. [read more]