WCDBS (Waterhouse Community Development Benevolent Society) is an umbrella organization of community based organizations, working together to become the main vehicle for decision making, planning and action on behalf of the residents and stakeholders in the Waterhouse Community.
The WCDBS is a non-profit organization that was first established in 2000. It was legally registered in 2005 with the Department of Co-operatives and Friendly Societies (DCFS) as a benevolent society.
The group comprises representatives from various community based organization such as: B.E.P.A Parenting Group, Parent for Change, 4ps (Parent for Peace, Progress and Prosperity, Mascow Parenting Group, Waterhouse Community Disaster Risk Management Group, St Patrick’s Rangers, Wailers Full Truth United Youth Club and Members of Different Faith Based Organizations.
Waterhouse CDC summer camp morning devotion.
Come and get a spiritual awakened don't miss out on this
Mr. Scarlett introducing the campers to Rugby.
Digicel will be interviewing candidates for the role of Service Delivery Agents at the Digicel Headquarters, Downtown Kingston tomorrow Wednesday, November 18 at 10AM. All applicants must take with them the following original documents and items: • NIS Card • TRN Card • National ID (Current Passport or Driver’s Licence or Voter’s ID) Note: The picture in the copy must be clear... • All School Certificates from CXC/GCE O’Levels and upwards. The minimum requirement for this role is five general proficiency passes; inclusive of English Language and Mathematics or Accounts. • Verification of your Active Bank Account (which is any document from the bank or online print out that bears the Name of Bank, Location of Branch, Bank Account Number, Account Type – Savings/Chequeings) • Calculator NOTE: Your mobile telephone does not qualify as a calculator • Pen NOTE: Blue or Black ink Dress code: Business Professional
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