Oddras is your new source for fashionable work of art.
It's your place for beautiful pieces made mostly from materials that are found in one love jamaica. From the lush pecks of our mountains on to your cool rivers and steams and out to the coast of our beaches and shores and materials from else were .
Oddras products are mostly hand made.
Lavish yourself in collection made by oddras, give your family or a friends or that special someone a treat and gift from nature ,make that breath day,anniversary,promotion a special one
we also display works done by up coming arts . thank you for choosing oddras.
One love odd society #$$$$%$$$@#...
Air BiG!!!!!!#@!
#Nuff Love &Respect
In stores next summer#Oddras Foot Gear @ rastheboss.or@gmail.com $£€¥¢£