RSPA HEALTHCARE SERVICES LLP is a veterinary care, located at 4TH FLOOR -405 SIGMA ARCADE NR KAILASH BUNGLOWS Gandhinagar Gandhi Nagar Gujarat-382424, India. They can be contacted via email at for more detailed information.
Limitied Liability Partneship Name: RSPA HEALTHCARE SERVICES LLP
Date Of Incorporation: 18-NOV-2022
State: Gujarat
District: Gandhi Nagar
ROC: ROC Ahmedabad
Number Of Partners: 3
Number Of Designated Partners: 2
Total Obligation Of Contribution: 100000
Activity Description: Manufacture of medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture such as operating tables, examination tables, dentists? chairs etc.
Industrial Activity: 32
Registered Office Address: 4TH FLOOR -405 SIGMA ARCADE NR KAILASH BUNGLOWS Gandhinagar Gandhi Nagar Gujarat-382424
Tags : #ManufactureOfMedicalSurgicalDentalOrVeterinaryFurnitureSuchAsOperatingTablesExaminationTablesDentistsChairsEtc, #ManufactureOfMedical;Surgical;DentalOrVeterinaryFurnitureSuchAsOperatingTables;ExaminationTables;Dentists?ChairsEtc
Location :
4TH FLOOR -405 SIGMA ARCADE NR KAILASH BUNGLOWS Gandhinagar Gandhi Nagar Gujarat-382424
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020