Wong Chi Kei is a restaurant, located at 中環 士丹利街10-12號萬利豐中心地庫 Basement, 10-12 Stanley Street, Central, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 852 2869 1331 for more detailed information. [read more]
Paco Sir 名校理科補習班 專教授九龍區名校如 DBS 拔粹男書院 DGS 拔粹女書院 LSC 喇沙書院 MCS 瑪利諾修院 初中科學科及新高中理科課程 包括 物理 化學 生物. [read more]
比賽目的是為全球年輕音樂人才提供一個競爭平台讓他們展示藝術和才能,豐富他們的視野和經驗。本比賽亦旨在幫助全球年輕音樂家建立信心,實現他們的夢想及肯定他們的潛力。. [read more]
- Fly Yoga - Hot Slim Yoga - Sketch Yoga - Yoga Therapy - Wheel Yoga - Wall Yoga - Ashtanga 1 - Props Yoga - Yogalates - Thai Boxing - RYT-200 Teacher Course. [read more]
本店由香港美甲師主理,美甲師亦持有國際認可之美甲師資格。 舒適寧靜的環境及優質的美甲服務,吸引不少區內外OL前往 ,本店於觀塘地鐡站附近B2及APM出口。 注意衛生,了解客人所需,細心,希望可給客人想要的美甲效果 舒適寧靜的環境及優質的美甲服務,吸引不少區內外OL前往. [read more]
【i-baby母嬰用品專賣店】 香港官塘成業街11號華成工商中心11樓14室 TEL: 23899296/95851850 營業時間: 星期一至五 11:00~19:00 星期六 11:00~18:00 星期日暫停營業 (公眾假期休息). [read more]
全新平台整合,組織,發佈名校試題 自我介紹: 全職私人補習導師 港島Band1傳統名校畢業 香港大學英文系 教過無數名校學生(港島及九龍小學) 暫時只收相熟學生轉介. [read more]
媽咪雞蛋仔 連續四年獲選米芝蓮2016-2019香港街頭小食推介 Recommended by Michelin Guide Street Food in 4 consecutive years. [read more]
This is the official Facebook page for Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Kwun Tong). . [read more]
KH Telecom -專業手機電腦維修 Professional Mobile Computer Repairing -零售批發 Retail and Whole Sales -各類電話配件,電話咭 Mobile Accessories and Calling Cards -保證正貨 Original. [read more]
February是一間品嘗美酒佳餚的消費好去處,以西餐為主,歐陸風格,位於觀塘商業區(第二個尖沙咀之稱) 招牌德國火焰豬手,配上比利時生啤。 安格斯肉眼扒,芝士焗羊架,絕配法國紅酒。. [read more]
Classified Kwun Tong is a cafe, located at Shop 3, G/F, AIA Kowloon Tower, Landmark East, 100 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at +85225773454 for more detailed information. [read more]
Friends Junction Dance Company - ‘Dance To Express, Not To Impress’. [read more]
Kwum Yam Shrine is a Taoist shrine at the southeastern end of Repulse Bay, in the southern part of Hong Kong Island. . [read more]
Tai Kwun Contemporary, the art department of Tai Kwun, is a non profit contemporary art centre located in Central Hong Kong. . [read more]
Address :7/F, 118 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong,Kowloon 九龍觀塘巧明街118號 萬年工業大廈7樓B室 ( 近HSBC ) APM 後面 Tel : 3460 3255 Whatsapp: 51315852 Email :xbattlemuaythai@gmail. [read more]
「綠在觀塘」為加強「減廢為先」的廢物管理策略及鼓勵市民實踐綠色生活,一方面加強推廣環保教育,同時為更多市民投入減廢回收行列提供所需的物流支援,讓綠色生活紮根社區。. [read more]
By appointment only 敬請預約. [read more]
出品優良,管理得當,商圈位置佳,很快就獲得廣大消費者的認可,並在短短一年就贏得“日本人食堂”的美譽,更得到美食家肥滔的推介。. [read more]
旺角女人街明苑, located at 明苑粉麵茶餐廳 Ming Yuen Restaurant, 旺角 豉油街50號 地下. They can be contacted via phone at 2770 0281 for more detailed information. . [read more]
【冰上曲棍球獎盃-STANLEY CUP.. [read more]
We prepare our dishes using only the freshest ingredients to prepare authentic Vietnamese cooking in a modern & comfortable environment. . [read more]
Greyhound Cafe 太古城 is a restaurant, located at G/F, Cityplaza 2, Taikoo Shing. They can be contacted via phone at 2560 9668 for more detailed information. [read more]
Pepper Lunch@apm, located at 九龍觀塘道414號,1亞太中心二樓202號舖, Ngau Tau Kok. [read more]
Peking Garden Taikoo is a restaurant, located at Hong Kong. [read more]
Shiro - Taikoo Place is a restaurant, located at G/F, Lincoln House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road. [read more]
CPDA 由註冊心理學家、兒科醫生、幼稚園校監、言語治療師、物理治療師、註冊社工、資深的幼兒工作者等組成,致力推動 "Learning is FUN!" 的理念,透過Playgroup、學前班等課程讓孩子愛上學習。. [read more]
Live Music Venue 歡迎 BOOK 場 & 睇 Band show !. [read more]
A place for a moment of refreshment. . . 望你如小鳥般在這裡得到喘口氣的空間. . . Business hours: Mon - Fri 08:00-17:30 Sat, Sun & public holidays 10:00-17:30. [read more]
Verm City is the climbing centre suited for both serious and casual climbers! Located in the heart of Hong Kong, it is the biggest gym on the island!. [read more]
花車/過大禮/迎親大妗/鮮花/佈置/攝錄/化妝/司儀/統籌/證婚/小禮物/即晚派相/Candy bar/Tattoo Corner/心形窩夫&雞蛋仔Corner/心形花形棉花糖/扭蛋機. [read more]
服務時間: 星期一至星期六:上午九時正至下午五時正, 星期日及公眾假期休息。 費用: 會員年費(六十歲或以上) : 每年港幣25元。 青頤會員(五十歲至五十九歲): 每年港幣30元。. [read more]
Good Time International Play School. Kindergartens. We are members of Dramatic English International Education. [read more]
"This is the official Photography page of Bijay Raj Puri. ". [read more]
Bringing home baking to Hong Kong. [read more]