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Union of Soviet Socialist Republics



Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is an embassy, located at Yaounde, Cameroon

Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :

Added by Jopie, at 21 November 2017

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2 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    06 March 2018

    So last time I go here I was really mistreated and it made me sad. That downy commie Stalin who hanging around Northumberland county for some reason. I go and ask to watch TV and they say “this is remains of the USSR, so TV is not, I repeat NOT, state run”

    Now I sure there something comical about the ussr reduced to a shack in central Africa but I choose to ignore. I turn on TV and it have nothing but Stalin doing tap dancing and spongebob in soviet general outfit and speaking Russian. I watch for 3 hours and then start to wonder how I ended up in Africa in first place. I try to leave but they show me the next door shack, which they claim is a “SSR” I tell them I really don’t care and they declare me enemy of state and expel me from “country”

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  • Anynomous
    28 November 2017

    it goooood place to leave

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