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Sunset Crest Chiropractic is located at 268 Palm Avenue, Holetown, Barbados. They can be contacted via phone at +1 246-266-5433, visit their website www.sunsetcrestchiro.com for more detailed information.

Tags : #Health, #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
268 Palm Avenue, Holetown
Added by Jopie, at 27 March 2014

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4 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    03 October 2016

    I suffered severe joint pains after I had chikungunya and my doctor told me that there was nothing more she could do but give me painkillers and another tablet to coat my stomach to prevent damage to my stomach. I said no to the medication. I was introduced to Dr. Scott Cooley and after 8 months of treatment I am now almost pain free. He has not given up on me even though I was in bad condition. One day soon I will be pain free. I thank God for you Dr. Scott.

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  • Anynomous
    22 September 2016

    one of the best things I've done for myself in years... Scott has changed my life for the better...from daily pain to almost pain free!! 👍👍👍👍👍

    update -> August 2016
    After two years of consistent adjustments, I am even more convinced that Scott and his team are the best care givers for those with aching body parts that need alignment and adjustment...I recommended him HIGHLY to anyone with back or joint problems....THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN

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  • Anynomous
    30 August 2016

    Dr.Scott Cooley has a pleasant personality.When I started my adjustments,I felt the difference in my posture from the beginning.
    I constantly tell my family and friends.

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  • Anynomous
    03 April 2014

    I was getting pain in my back for years now and thanks to Dr. Scott I'm a 100% now

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