The rooms are well designed to accommodate the range of disabilities that residents may have, without restricting their mobility or putting them at risk of accidents.
There is a Doctor on call 24 hours a day.
A medical centre is also within a short distance from the home which can deal with emergencies.
The home offers both single and shared rooms.
There is also a meeting room where relatives can meet in a private and comfortable environment with their loved ones.
More able residents are encouraged to pursue their activities with support from their relatives.
All staff are qualified in the care of the elderly and they are encouraged to keep up to date with their training.
Activities are tailored to meet the assessed ability of the residents. This includes bus tours, birthday parties and a very successful Christmas party.
Message From The Director, Rosene
At De-Rose my staff and I pride ourselves on providing a quality service that meets the needs of those elders entrusted in our care.
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